Valuable News – 2024/04/22

The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX/BSD/Linux systems. Whenever I stumble upon something worth mentioning on the Internet I just put it here.

Today the amount information that we get using various information streams is at massive overload. Thus one needs to focus only on what is important without the need to grep(1) the Internet everyday. Hence the idea of providing such information ‘bulk’ as I already do that grep(1).

Past releases are available at the dedicated NEWS page.


Solve Failed fw_update(8) in OpenBSD.

Jails vs Docker – Performance Comparison of Different Container Technologies.

Compiling Sensor Watch Firmware on FreeBSD.

FreeBSD: Installing and Using Haskell.

Podman Installation on FreeBSD 14.0.

EuroBSDCon 2024.

NetBSD 10 Proves Old Tech Can Still Kick Apps and Take Names 3 Decades Later.

OpenBSD 7.5 Locks Down with Improved Disk Encryption Support and Syscall Limitations.

GCC 14 Drops IA64 Support – Final Nail in Coffin for Itanium Architecture.

10 Years of Improvements in PostgreSQL Optimizer.

FreeBSD for Devs #01 – Robust Platform for Developers.

FreeBSD for Devs #02.

FreeBSD for Devs #03.

FreeBSD for Devs #04.

Kubernetes on FreeBSD with Linux Worker Nodes and Cilium.

Why We Run FreeBSD CURRENT at Netflix – Drew Gallatin.

How to Upstream Code to Open Source Projects.

FreeBSD Foundation Delivers V1 of FreeBSD SSDF Attestation to Support Cybersecurity Compliance.

FreeBSD 14.1-PRERELEASE Available.

What is FreeBSD Missing?

FreeBSD: Using DTrace to Track Down Started Processes and Used Files.

Use cache2repo Script to Create ISO Image of Your Current FreeBSD pkg(8) Cache.

Linux 6.10 Prepares Kernel Panic Screen – Like Blue Screen of Death.

How to Convert Local FreeBSD pkg(8) Cache into pkg(8) Mirror.

FreeBSD: Installing and Using Haskell.

Weekly BSD Pub Meeting – Thursdays 5:00 PM UTC/Zulu Time.

BSD Now 555 – Poudriereing Apple Silicon.

Uwubernetes – Kubernetes 1.30 for Illumos/OpenBSD/FreeBSD.

WireGuard VNET Jail.

Launch FreeBSD 14 VPS Server.

TrueNAS CORE versus TrueNAS SCALE.

How to Migrate from TrueNAS CORE to TrueNAS SCALE on TrueNAS Mini.

GhostBSD 2024/01 Finance Report.

KISS Server Monitoring with Gogios.

Lazy Reading for 2024/04/21.

Why You Should Not Run BSD on PC.

Get Current Working Directory of Process in FreeBSD in C Using libprocstat(3).

Double Edged Sword of Docker: Balancing Benefits and Risks.

Ansible – AWX (1/2).

Ansible – AWX (2/2).

GNOME on FreeBSD After One Year of Learning.


New ODROID H4 is Here.

AMD Announces Ryzen Pro 8000/8040 Series CPUs – Commercial Desktop Gets AI.

AMD Strix Halo ZEN5 and RDNA3.5 Premium APU Rumors Take Shape.

The World Smallest NAS.

Wireless AMIGA Tank Mouse.


New GCompris 4.0 Release.

German State Ditches Windows and Microsoft Office for Linux and LibreOffice.

Dune: Part Two (2024) Review.

Enjoy Beautiful Colors of Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) with This 35mm Scan.

Email DNS Records Cheat Sheet.

Better than Zoom – Try These Free Software Tools for Staying in Touch.



I was really disappointed when I got to know that the FreeBSD based TrueNAS CORE storage appliance – owned and developed by iXsystems – will be moved into the ‘maintenance’ mode and that (Debian) Linux based TrueNAS SCALE is the future of their offerings. Later iXsystems after all the backslash started to ‘calm down’ that situation stating that FreeBSD based TrueNAS CORE is feature complete and that they do not have plans to kill the FreeBSD based solution … but we all know that TrueNAS CORE uses – for example – abandoned by creator and by the rest of the World – the iocage FreeBSD Jails management framework – its been 5 or more years since the iocage was last touched for any reason.

One could expect a ‘move’ into plain FreeBSD Jails or something that is alive and kicking such as BastilleBSD or something Pot/Nomad related as Klara posted here – Cluster Provisioning on FreeBSD – not so long ago.

I was the first one to encourage my family and friends to just use TrueNAS CORE for their data – because I knew that ZFS being 1st class citizen in the FreeBSD world – this is the perfect and stable combination. I can not say the same about Linux ecosystem where CDDL license that ZFS uses is treated as a curse to say the least and that even ‘the’ Linux guru such as Linus himself does not understand the difference between OpenZFS and Oracle ZFSDo Not Use ZFS on Linux: Linus Torvalds – which does not feel right – its really hard to experience all of this.

Having these in mind – Linux (Debian or not) is not (and will never be) a real ZFS ‘home’ with all the consequences. One of the reasons – I believe – the iXsystems is betting on Linux instead of FreeBSD here is the container world. The Docker and/or Podman solutions – the ones that are more then a decade late to the containers game as Docker is with us since 2014 – the FreeBSD Jails are with is since year 2000. You do the math.

There are also other aspects as iXsystems advertises the TrueNAS SCALE as the solution for ‘scale-out’ attitude while the FreeBSD version TrueNAS CORE only as ‘scale-up’ one. I also dig that topic – and to say the least – I was not amused. Lets try to split all these parts into understandable puzzle.

Boot Process

The first image below is the AlmaLinux 9.x RHEL clone boot output – seems pretty tidy and clean – assuming for systemd(1) based system.


Now the TrueNAS SCALE boot output.


I really like that iXsystems implemented netif FreeBSD concept on a Debian Linux system – named as ix-netif.service on the screen πŸ™‚

Finally after some period of time we are able to see the ‘final’ management menu.


… and it works as desired.

Maybe I should not worry about it too much as long as the web/browser management is finally available in the end …


There was time when I was part of the team that needed to decide if we use the then named FreeNAS or to use plain FreeBSD system instead for the data. That decision was on of the core decision we made as a team for the FreeBSD Enterprise 1 PB Storage project.

After I started to play with – then available FreeNAS 11.2-U3 version – I was far from satisfied with its security – as described in the details – FreeNAS 11.2-U3 Vulnerabilities – here.

I also wanted to update the packages with pkg(8) command to newer versions – so that the security vulnerabilities would be fixed – but apparently that broke entire middlewared(8) and all other stuff and renders a then available FreeNAS appliance unusable. In the end me and my team went with plain FreeBSD system and we do not regret our decision to this day.

I wanted to check if its better for the latest – most up to date version – TrueNAS CORE 13.0-U6.1 – but not – its very similar.

root@truenas[~]# pkg audit -F
vulnxml file up-to-date
apache24-2.4.57 is vulnerable:
  Apache httpd -- multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2024-38709
  CVE: CVE-2024-24795
  CVE: CVE-2024-27316

  Apache httpd -- Multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2023-31122
  CVE: CVE-2023-43622
  CVE: CVE-2023-45802

rclone-1.57.0_2 is vulnerable:
  rclone -- Multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2023-48795
  CVE: CVE-2023-45286

python39-3.9.16 is vulnerable:
  Python -- multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2023-40217

  Python -- multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2023-24329
  CVE: CVE-2023-0466
  CVE: CVE-2023-0465
  CVE: CVE-2023-0464
  CVE: CVE-2023-0286
  CVE: CVE-2023-2650
  CVE: CVE-2022-4303

py39-configobj-5.0.6_1 is vulnerable:
  py39-configobj -- vulnerable to Regular Expression Denial of Service
  CVE: CVE-2023-26112

git-lite-2.34.1 is vulnerable:
  git -- Multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2023-29007
  CVE: CVE-2023-25652

  git -- Multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2022-39260
  CVE: CVE-2022-39253

curl-8.0.1 is vulnerable:
  curl -- multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2023-28322
  CVE: CVE-2023-28321
  CVE: CVE-2023-28320
  CVE: CVE-2023-28319

  curl -- OCSP verification bypass with TLS session reuse
  CVE: CVE-2024-0853

  curl -- SOCKS5 heap buffer overflow
  CVE: CVE-2023-38545

  curl -- HTTP headers eat all memory
  CVE: CVE-2023-38039

py39-beaker-1.12.1 is vulnerable:
  py-beaker -- arbitrary code execution vulnerability
  CVE: CVE-2013-7489

openssh-portable-8.8.p1_1,1 is vulnerable:
  OpenSSH -- remote code execution via a forwarded agent socket
  CVE: CVE-2023-38408

minio-2021. is vulnerable:
  MinIO -- unprivileged users can create service accounts for admin users
  CVE: CVE-2022-24842

libxml2-2.9.12 is vulnerable:
  libxml2 -- multiple vulnerabilities
  CVE: CVE-2023-29469
  CVE: CVE-2023-28484

py39-markdown2-2.3.6 is vulnerable:
  py-markdown2 -- regular expression denial of service vulnerability
  CVE: CVE-2021-26813

  py-markdown2 -- XSS vulnerability
  CVE: CVE-2020-11888

squashfs-tools-4.3_1 is vulnerable:
  squashfs-tools -- Integer overflow
  CVE: CVE-2015-4645

pixman-0.40.0_1 is vulnerable:
  pixman -- heap overflow
  CVE: CVE-2022-44638

py39-sentry-sdk-1.5.12 is vulnerable:
  py39-sentry-sdk -- sensitive cookies leak
  CVE: CVE-2023-28117

c-ares-1.17.2 is vulnerable:
  dns/c-ares -- malformatted file causes application crash
  CVE: CVE-2024-25629

py39-setuptools-57.0.0 is vulnerable:
  py39-setuptools -- denial of service vulnerability
  CVE: CVE-2022-40897

23 problem(s) in 16 installed package(s) found.

Now – lets compare that to up-to-date FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE system with the same packages installed.

freebsd # pkg audit -F
Fetching vuln.xml.xz: 100% 1 MiB 545.9kB/s 00:02 
  py39-beaker-1.12.1 is vulnerable:
  py-beaker -- arbitrary code execution vulnerability
  CVE: CVE-2013-7489

1 problem(s) in 1 installed package(s) found.

Pretty big difference … and after trying to force pkg upgrade command on the TrueNAS CORE host it renders the system unusable as shown below after reboot(8) command.


Its unsupported – so not do not blame iXsystems for it.

There are also places in which You will have convince the Security/Compliance teams that all these vulnerabilities are not applicable. I remember I had to do the same and these discussions were like:

ME: This vulnerable package is just a dependency and is not used in actual solution.
SEC: So just remove it.
ME: I can not remove it because that will break entire package.
SEC: So it is used then?

Discussions like that. The other problem is open listening ports – this is how it looks like for current TrueNAS 13.0-U6.1 version.

root@truenas[~]# sockstat -l -4
root     python3.9  1223  5  udp4  *:*
root     python3.9  1223  6  udp4   *:63280               *:*
root     python3.9  1223  7  udp4        *:*
root     python3.9  1223  8  tcp4        *:*
avahi    avahi-daem 1204  13 udp4   *:5353                *:*
avahi    avahi-daem 1204  14 udp4   *:41119               *:*
www      nginx      1086  6  tcp4   *:443                 *:*
www      nginx      1086  8  tcp4   *:80                  *:*
root     nginx      1084  6  tcp4   *:443                 *:*
root     nginx      1084  8  tcp4   *:80                  *:*
ntpd     ntpd       998   21 udp4   *:123                 *:*
ntpd     ntpd       998   22 udp4         *:*
ntpd     ntpd       998   25 udp4         *:*
root     syslog-ng  932   19 udp4        *:*
root     python3.9  164   28 tcp4   *:6000                *:*

Of course its OK that 80 and 443 are open, but there are also 6000, 63280, 3702, 5357, 5353, 41119 and 123. While 123 can be omitted (for ntpd(8) daemon) the other ones? I could expect one additional open port for (REST) API or for some other features or for TrueCommand some kind of management/connection, etc. but that many?

It would be another backslash of questions from the Security/Compliance team. One of them would be:

SEC: Python have multiple vulnerabilities and these services listen at five additional ports,
     what do they do and can they be disabled? What they are used for?

Maybe iXsystems could do some additional documentation about what they actually do and why they are needed – but that would still left vulnerable Python based services listening on multiple ports …


Now – for the real question – is there a real difference between FreeBSD based TrueNAS CORE and Linux based TrueNAS SCALE systems?

The ones that I found out were these:

  • The FreeBSD version uses Bhyve for virtualization while Linux uses KVM subsystem.
  • The FreeBSD version uses Jails for containers while Linux uses Docker subsystem.

Thats it. Nothing more and nothing else … besides that the ‘base’ for TrueNAS CORE is FreeBSD and the ‘base’ for TrueNAS SCALE is Debian Linux with systemd(1) daemon.

What is more interesting – that in the FreeNAS Corral release – based on FreeBSD – it was perfectly fine to have Docker (now Apps) on the FreeBSD platform as shown on the screenshot below πŸ™‚



I really liked the concept of ‘scale-out’ for the TrueNAS SCALE systems – TrueNAS SCALE Clustering Overview – that with more systems You have – You can spread both the data and load across multiple machines … but after I started digging in this topic – it was just that TrueNAS SCALE allowed to have a distributed GlusterFS filesystem spread across TrueNAS SCALE boxes.

My disappointment would probably not be that big if I would earlier not tried the same GlusterFS distributed filesystem successfully on FreeBSD.

My guides of GlusterFS on FreeBSD are listed below.

… and the best yet to come is next πŸ™‚

Its not a FreeBSD limitation for the GlusterFS filesystem – its the iXsystems limitation.

Before I used TrueNAS SCALE I believed that there is some kinda graphical or GUI way to configure/extend that local storage into distributed state with GlusterFS filesystem … I was so wrong πŸ™‚


There is zero GUI options to configure GlusterFS filesystem over multiple TrueNAS SCALE boxes.

The only possible guide on how to spread that GlusterFS filesystem across TrueNAS SCALE system were … command line based – Six Node Gluster Cluster with TrueNAS SCALE – exactly the same as mine guides on FreeBSD.

I was thinking – there has to be GUI options for such an advertised option as ‘scale-out’ distributed GlusterFS filesystem across TrueNAS SCALE systems … but the answer I found was even more disappointing – You just need to use the manager called TrueCommand – there You have all the needed options – as simple as that. Its free to use to manage up to 50 drives. Beyond that it will require some paid plan.


As FreeBSD Bhyve hypervisor supports memory ballooning it would be brain dead easy (and cheap on RAM) to just to add another VM (with AlmaLinux for example) to be ‘the’ place for Docker/Podman containers (or Applications as iXsystems is calling it). The 30-50 MB of RAM overhead is negligible as FreeBSD is often more memory efficient on RAM then Linux.


I think that is exactly what is going to happen also this time – I do not wish them that. When FreeNAS/TrueNAS was based on FreeBSD – then it offered mature and stable OS – along with perfectly integrated ZFS. A unique package that there was almost no competition for. When they will move to Linux – they must compete with the rest of the world with similar/different solutions such as:

  • Amahi
  • OpenMediaVault
  • Rockstor
  • Openfiler
  • Nexenta (Illumos)
  • napp-it (Illumos)
  • CryptoNAS
  • OpenDedupe
  • OpenATTIC
  • ESOS
  • PetaSAN
  • OpenIO
  • Open vStorage
  • OviOS
  • TurnKey File Server

Pretty crowded I must say – and You will have to be REALLY outstanding to make the difference.

Community Forums

While I rarely used them – the TrueNAS Community forums were full features and professional.

This is how they looked alike.


Now … recently iXsystems announced new forums to take place – a simplified to minimum ones which look like this.


Maybe I am oldschool (of course I am) but it just feels like a downgrade.


The iXsystems had a bumpy road in the FreeBSD land. Besides the BSDi lawsuit there were other attempts on making FreeBSD their ‘base’ for many things. Lets start with PC-BSD for example – the FreeBSD desktop distribution that had some of the very future acknowledged features – such as PBI packages. Today the same functionality is provided as Flatpack or Snap packages … yes PC-BSD provided the same a decade earlier … and it was not that fancy then – and often criticized. Now as Linux started doing that – it feels like another god of computing that we can not live without … exactly like Docker/Podman being ‘late’ to the containers party when FreeBSD Jails delivered since 2000 – yet now Linux is ‘the’ container technology that whole World jerks off too – while FreeBSD Jails is remembered as some kind of museum of history.

I even started in the PC-BSD new logo contest if I recall correctly – but it was way too long ago to remember all the details … or was it just another wallpaper …


Later iXsystems tried to – I believe – move forward with PC-BSD as TrueOS – but that also did not played that well. They later moved to Project Trident – still FreeBSD based – and then moved to Void Linux for the base of Project Trident system … and some time later iXsystems abandoned altogether killing the project.

While this post ‘may’ seem like some kind of attack on the iXsystems company – it is not. Its just I got used to some world view that iXsystems would always be there and that they would support FreeBSD system no matter what … I was wrong. Business is business and iXsystems company needs to make money (that is what companies are for anyway) and they need to pick what is the best for them. I wish them all the best as they brought a lot of attention and interest into the FreeBSD world – but if Linux is their current focus – then its OK with me – the iXsystems are very clear about it – no need to make their new read more bumpy then its already is.

I just hope that the current iXsystems bet on Linux systems and not on FreeBSD will not end the same as it ended with PC-BSD or TrueOS or Project Trident in the past … in forgotten path.

Hope that helps.


Fallout Bullshit

Let me start this with saying that I a HUGE fan of Interplay based Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 games. After some time I also enjoyed slightly criticized (and not without a reason) the Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel game.

After (long ago) trying the Bethesda Fallout 3 I was more then disappointed. I was devastated. Its such a crook of shit that I lack words on how to describe this bullshit in words that are possible to post here.

Its not about 3D view versus typical Fallout view. Its about the mechanics – also Action Points – the ‘balance’ between killing shit in real time versus the Bethesda VATS bullshit, etc.

Fallout on Silver Screen

Recently I tried the Fallout series made by Amazon. I really enjoyed it. Yes, of course its not perfect, it has its flaws, but who is flawless? Nobody.

After chick-chat with my close friend – which recommended that I should again try the ‘new’ Fallout: New Vegas and just try to follow the story – I felt encouraged and literally just tried it.

For most of the time – my Fallout characters tend to use Small Guns or Energy Weapons. Sometimes I do a Unarmed build – but that is not my kind of playing Fallout – no matter how ‘fun’ or effective such build can be.

The same I did with Fallout: New Vegas game – pure Energy Weapons build – along with some Science and Lockpick for other skills.


Lockpick Bullshit

I understand that each skill has its own value and difficulty to use in the real world – and while I was not able to use Steal at all on the real ‘objects’ – the only thing that accounted for Steal was getting some stuff from random houses/building into Your inventory – I was not able to ‘Steal‘ stuff from a person standing next to me.

… but the thing that raged me the most was the Lockpick skill. On a classic (or original) Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 games its just a skill. You have the skill value on the character side and you have the difficulty of the Lockpick challenge on the door/safe that is next in front of You. A simple test and You either failed, broke the lock or succeeded opening it … but not in Bethesda (and later Obsidian) world.

You need to do some dexterity bullshit (I mean in real life) on each lock … breaking pins … and THIS is the shit that drove me into the ‘fuck it’ attitude.

I really love original Fallout 1/2 series but each time I try to play the Bethesda (and later Obsidian) Fallout games – its just such bullshit.

I like to vote with my money – so I will just stay the fuck away as far as possible from this Bethesda/Obsidian bullshit as possible.

I would rather play original Fallout 1/2 for the 100th time instead of wasting my sanity for the Bethesda/Obsidian pseudo ideas.

You have been warned.

Battle System

… and do not even get me started on the broken as fuck battle system.


Valuable News – 2024/04/15

The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX/BSD/Linux systems. Whenever I stumble upon something worth mentioning on the Internet I just put it here.

Today the amount information that we get using various information streams is at massive overload. Thus one needs to focus only on what is important without the need to grep(1) the Internet everyday. Hence the idea of providing such information ‘bulk’ as I already do that grep(1).

Past releases are available at the dedicated NEWS page.


Install FreeBSD 14 on IONOS VPS Hosting.

Oracle Releases DTrace 2.0.0-1.14 for Linux Systems.

20 Years of OpenBSD Journal.;sid=20240409044953

How to Install FreeBSD 14.0 with Static IP Address.

FreeBSD Project Participating in Google Summer of Code 2024.

MapSCII – Whole World in Your Console.

Avoiding Terminal in FreeBSD with GhostBSD.

Shell History is Your Best Productivity Tool.

iXsystems: No One is Being ‘Marooned’ by Debian Focus.

How Can I Slow Down Attacks on My FreeBSD Server.

OpenTofu Response to Hashicorp Cease and Desist Letter.

FreeBSD Foundation – 2024/03 Foundation Update.

BSD Now 554 – NetBSD Double Digit.

Grit 184 – Former SUN CEO and Co-Founder – Scott McNealy In the Pinata.

OpenBSD is Cozy Operating System.

Install OpenBSD 7.5 and KDE Plasma 5 in QEMU.

FreeBSD Jails Part V.

Lazy Reading for 2024/04/14.

Terminal Status Bar with xterm(1) Updated.


RISC-V Adds Kernel Mode FPU for Linux 6.10 to Enable Recent AMD Display Support.


Valuable News – 2024/04/08

The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX/BSD/Linux systems. Whenever I stumble upon something worth mentioning on the Internet I just put it here.

Today the amount information that we get using various information streams is at massive overload. Thus one needs to focus only on what is important without the need to grep(1) the Internet everyday. Hence the idea of providing such information ‘bulk’ as I already do that grep(1).

Past releases are available at the dedicated NEWS page.


NetApp Strategic Contributions to FreeBSD – Deep Dive into Upstreaming Efforts.

pfSense Software Embraces Change – Strategic Migration to Linux Kernel. [APRIL FOOLS JOKE]

History of ps(1) Command.

Using USB Headphones with virtual_oss(8) on FreeBSD.

GCC 10 Ported to QNX 6.5.

NetBSD 10.0 Released with Much Improved Hardware Support and Faster Performance.

OmniOS is Not Affected by CVE-2024-3094 About xz-utils Case.

BSD Now 552 – Laptop Sparc.

Ford Aerospace Was One of First Commercial Sites of BSD Unix.

AMD Longtime Open Source Linux Graphics Driver Advocate Retires.

GhostBSD – Look at Latest 2024 Release.

FreeBSD Foundation and Digital Security by Design Announce Beacon Award Winners for Innovations and Improvements to CheriBSD.

SmolBSD: Make Your Own NetBSD UNIX MicroVM.

AMD Says They Will Be Open Sourcing More GPU Software Stack and Hardware Docs.

German State Moving 30,000 PCs to LibreOffice.

OpenBSD 7.5 Released.

MATE Desktop Updated to 1.28.1 in FreeBSD Ports.

The pkgsrc-2024Q1 Branch Released.

OpenBSD 7.5 Released – Faster SMP Performance for ARM Servers.

Timeline of xz(1) Open Source Attack.

Install syslog-ng 4 Development Snapshot on FreeBSD.

WINE 9.6 Adds Support for AVX Features in Register Contexts.

BSD Now 553 – Terminal Latency.

FreeBSD Foundation Education and Advocacy.

FreeBSD Zero to Desktop Speedrun Challenge.

AlmaLinux Patches Security Hole That Remains Unpatched in Upstream RHEL.

ZFS Datastore for MariaDB.

Install .NET On FreeBSD in 2024.

3 Ways to Run .NET in FreeBSD in 2024.

Measuring Terminal Latency with Typometer.

Improvements to Static Analysis in GCC 14 Compiler.

Lazy Reading for 2024/04/07.

BoxyBSD is Non Profit VM and Service Provider for FreeBSD/OpenBSD/NetBSD Systems.

Lost Worlds of Telnet.

The pkgsrc on macOS Still Works.

News for rsync(1) 3.3.0 (2024/04/06).

Is Sony Abusing FreeBSD with PlayStation?


SPARCbook 3000ST – Coolest 90s Laptop.

Fanless SBC and Mini PC with N3050/N3160/N3700 SoC.

Crucial T705 PCIe 5.0 NVMe SSD on Linux.

AMD Unveils Embedded+ Architecture – Ryzen Embedded with Versal Together.

PCIe 7.0 Draft 0.5 Spec Available 512 GB/s over PCIe x16 on Track for 2025.

Visualizing ARM64 Instruction Set.


Nuclear Plant Closure Was Hailed as Green Win. Then Emissions Went Up.

The Most Beautiful Word in the World is ‘No’.


Thunderbird for Android – Should You Upgrade From K-9 Mail.

Using Ansible to Read Passwords from Vaultwarden.

New Windows Driver Blocks Software from Changing Default Web Browser.


FreeBSD Zero to Desktop Speedrun Challenge

I decided to take part in the FreeBSD Zero to Desktop speedrun challenge – – described here. On my 13 years old ThinkPad W520 from 2011 I managed to do that in 4:23 total time. As previous leader used IceWM for the task – I have chosen Openbox as its also small.

The operations and commands that needed to be done took me 1:33 and installation of base.txz/kernel.txz datasets took 0:28. Downloading and installing needed pkg(8) packages took 2:22 of time.

I used most recent 14.0-RELEASE FreeBSD version and I used native FreeBSD hypervisor called Bhyve with vm-bhyve-devel toolkit. I created a VM with 2 CPUs and 2 GB RAM and with 10 GB NVMe disk.

This is the Bhyve template for vm-bhyve-devel I used for the guest VM.

W520 % cat /vm/.templates/freebsd-uefi.conf

Commands I used during the speedrun are below. First install needed pkg(8) packages in the background to be able to prepare for later tasks. Because FreeBSD’s POSIX /bin/sh does not support !command syntax I switched to csh(1) to make things faster.

VM # nohup pkg install -y -g '*scfb*' xorg-minimal xinit xterm openbox &

To configure X11 with scfb driver the following /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf config is needed for that (with BusID).

VM # cat /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Device"
  Identifier "Card0"
  Driver "scfb"
  BusID "0:4:0"

To make it less typing I first generate a whole X11 config and then just trim it for the needed part.

VM # X -configure

VM # grep -B 19 -A 3 modes | sed s/modesetting/scfb/g > asd

VM # mv asd /usr/local/etc/X11/xorg.conf

I also needed to remove the X11 files at /tmp dir.

VM # rm -rf /tmp/.*unix

As these steps complete the only things need were to switch to regular asd user and start xinit(1) with openbox window manager.

VM # su - asd

VM % xinit openbox

The video that I posted on YouTube.

I also used small bash(1) written stop watch script called sw(1) – available here.

Not sure what I should add here moreΒ  – feel free to port you comment in that πŸ™‚

Valuable News – 2024/04/01

The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX/BSD/Linux systems. Whenever I stumble upon something worth mentioning on the Internet I just put it here.

Today the amount information that we get using various information streams is at massive overload. Thus one needs to focus only on what is important without the need to grep(1) the Internet everyday. Hence the idea of providing such information ‘bulk’ as I already do that grep(1).

Past releases are available at the dedicated NEWS page.


Why do Regexes Use '$' and '^' as Line Anchors.

On Starting 2024 FreeBSD Foundation Budget Journey.

FreeBSD Foundation Gives Beacon Gongs for Safer Software.

LibreNMS Agent Now Allows Poudriere Monitoring.

FreeBSD Foundation – Powering Up Future – New FreeBSD Cluster in Chicago.

How to Run FreeBSD in UTM/QEMU on Apple M3.

FreeBSD Foundation – 2024 Budget – Approved.

Vultr Just Betrayed Us.

Top 12 Server Operating Systems in 2024 – Which is Best for You.

NetBSD 10 RC1-6 Beta and Pi WiFi and A/V.

Finding NetBSD Kernel Bugs Through LockDoc.

Samba 4.20 Released with WSP Search Client and Service Witness Protocol.

Redis Goes from Open Source to Fauxpen and Forks Have Already Started.

OCI Working Group – OCI Runtime on FreeBSD Platform.

Free and Open Source Software and Other Market Failures.

Valkey is New Baby that Used to Be FreeBSD Redis.

Guiding Future of FreeBSD Releases with Colin Percival – New Release Engineering Team Lead.

Decade Old Linux wall(1) Bug Helps Make Fake sudo(8) Prompts and Steal Passwords.

Used ThinkPad is Better Deal than New Cheap Laptop.

Disclosed Backdoor in xz(1) Releases – FreeBSD Not Affected.

XZ Utils Backdoor.

NetBSD 10.0 Announced.

Highlight and Colorize Log Files with Tailspin.

Rust Written Redox OS Enjoys Significant Performance Improvements.

NetBSD 10.0 Available.

Announcing NetBSD 10.0.

Exploring CBSD Management Framework – Part 6 – Jails (IV).

Exploring CBSD Management Framework – Part 7 – Updating and Help.


Porsche Boxster/Cayman are Done in Europe.

ASRock Rack SIENAD8-2L2T AMD EPYC 8004 Siena Motherboard Review.

Homebrew GPU Tackles Quake.


Greatest Private Race Track in the World.


Valuable News – 2024/03/25

The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX/BSD/Linux systems. Whenever I stumble upon something worth mentioning on the Internet I just put it here.

Today the amount information that we get using various information streams is at massive overload. Thus one needs to focus only on what is important without the need to grep(1) the Internet everyday. Hence the idea of providing such information ‘bulk’ as I already do that grep(1).

Past releases are available at the dedicated NEWS page.


State of the Terminal.

TrueNAS CORE 13 is the End of FreeBSD Version.

XigmaNAS is Open Source Storage NAS Based on FreeBSD.

FreeBSD Myths 2024 – Verbal Examination.

BSD Now 550 – Not to Late.

BVCP 2.0.x Released.

Netmap on cxgbe(4) Interfaces on FreeBSD.

FreeBSD Foundation – NetApp Case Study.

PostgreSQL is Eating the Database World.

FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE Release Process.

The curl(1) Turns 26 Today.

TrueNAS CORE Bids Goodbye to FreeBSD.

TrueNAS CORE 13.3 Plans.

Redis Dropped BSD-3 in Favor of Proprietary License.

CacheRevolt – Corporate Revolution Against Redis Going Proprietary.

Make Your Own Email Server – Part 2 – Adding Webmail and More with Nextcloud.

Red Hat Linux Family in 2024.

Wine 9.5 Released with More Feature Work and 27 Bug Fixes.

TrueNAS CORE 13 is End of FreeBSD Version.

OPNsense Firewall Multi WAN Failover and Load Balancing.

The iXsystems Confirm Ongoing Support for Both TrueNAS CORE and SCALE.

Knast is FreeBSD Experimental Toolkit for Building Modern Container Infrastructure.

26 Year Old Red Hat 5.2 on QEMU i386 on FreeBSD.

FreeBSD Jails – Running AudioBookShelf.

FreeBSD Jails – HomeAssistant 2024.3.

FreeBSD Jails – Making Home Assistant and Python Upgradable.

RC Script for Home Assistant Core on FreeBSD.

Poudriere on Apple Silicon.

Lazy Reading for 2024/03/17.

Lazy Reading for 2024/03/24

Hollywood Technodrama – There is App for That.


Galactic Case for Raspberry Pi 5.

Tiny Undervalued Hardware Companions.

SolidRun COM Express Module AMD Ryzen V3000 Powered.

NuPhy Field75 Mechanical Keyboard on OpenBSD.

Introducing Re-Amiga 1200.


I Turned 72 Today – 32 Things I Have Learned that I Hope Help You in Your Journey.

Remote Work is Here to Stay.


Firefox 124.0 Now Available with Screen Wake Lock API.

Modern Web Bloat Means Some Pages Load 21MB of Data.

The macOS Sonoma 14.4 Bug Destroys Saved Versions in iCloud Drive.

Add Text to PDFs with Firefox PDF Editor.

Hackers Found Way to Open Any of 3 Million Hotel Keycard Locks in Seconds.

Italy Piracy Shield Blocks Innocent Web Sites and Makes It Hard to Appeal.

Quote(s) of the Week

“Nothing can make you happy until nothing can make you happy.”

Jeff Foster


Tiny Undervalued Hardware Companions

After playing/working with computers for more then 25 years I started to appreciate small but handy valuable stuff – like adapters or handlers or … yeah – all kind of stuff. With many of them I did not even knew they existed until I find out about them – mostly accidentally or after long searching for some problem solution. Today I will share them with You – so maybe they will end up handy also for You.

… and while they make my life easier – they are mostly very cheap too.

The Table of Contents is below.

  • RJ45 Angle Adapters
  • RJ45 Angle Cable Adapters
  • RJ45 Join Adapters
  • SATA to USB-C or USB-A Adapters
  • Angle USB-C and USB-A Adapters
  • USB-A <=> USB-C Adapters
  • Tiny USB WiFi or Bluetooth Dongle
  • USB-C <=> Micro USB Adapter
  • USB-C <=> Laptops/Routers/5.5mmx2.5mm Adapters
  • Creative BT-W2 USB-A Bluetooth Adapter
  • External Microphone for SONY Headphones
  • Headphones Handle
  • Dual USB-C and USB-A Pendrive (SanDisk)
  • Tiny USB-A Hub
  • Quad USB-C / USB-A / Lightning / Micro USB Adapter with MicroSD Card Slot
  • Angle Power Adapters
  • C13/C14 Power Adapters with Additional C1/C2 or C5/C6 Sockets
  • HDMI 3in1 Switch with Remote Control
  • Cable Organizers
  • Mouse Jigger
  • FM Transmitter
  • Summary

The whole article can ‘feel’ like a sponsored entry for the portal – but it is not – its just the most cheap place I was able to find these gems. Feel free to share even cheaper one if You have one.


RJ45 Angle Adapters

I mostly use laptops to do various tasks and cables sticking out on the sides perpendicularly does not help. Not many laptops today have the RJ45 LAN socket – but if they do – they are mostly on the side of the laptop.

Thanks to such angle RJ45 adapters it is no longer a problem.

You can find them for about $2 – for example – on page – with the RJ45 ANGLE ADAPTER keywords in their search.


RJ45 Angle Cable Adapters

The mentioned earlier RJ45 Angle Adapters are quite bulky – but as an alternative its possible to get a short 40cm cable with smaller plug.

Not sure if its noticeable on the picture below – but I also cut the top ‘cover’ with knife of the plug – so its easier to detach.

There are of course all four angles to choose from.

One may also use the end of that 40cm cable-adapter as a ‘stopper’ to not fall inside the desk hole as shown on the image below.

You can find them for about $2 – for example – on – with the RJ45 ANGLE ADAPTER CABLE keywords in their search.


RJ45 Join Adapters

Often I found myself in a situation that the currently available LAN cable was too short to reach and it needed a lot of work to plot another – longer one.

With these simple ‘join’ adapters it is no longer a problem. You would not use them in a serious Data Center with 10+ GE speeds – but for home 1.0-2.5 GE speeds its more then enough.

You can find them for about $1-$2 – for example – on – with the RJ45 JOIN ADAPTER keywords in their search.


SATA to USB-C or USB-A Adapters

Multiple times I needed to clone some old disk to new SSD – just to make an old system faster.

I usually boot from some USB drive with FreeBSD and while new SSD is attached with these adapters – I then execute dd(8) command to clone the old HDD disk to new SSD drive … and then just swap them out.

You can find them for about $1-$5 – for example – on – with the SATA USB ADAPTER keywords in their search.


Angle USB-C and USB-A Adapters

As we already talked about RJ45 angle adapters … there are also USB-C and USB-A angle adapters.

The do the same good job with cables to not stick out on a side of a laptop.

You can find them for about $1-$3 – for example – on – with the ANGLE USB ADAPTER keywords in their search.


USB-A <=> USB-C Adapters

In the progressing and always changing world yesterday the USB-A was king and tomorrow the USB-C will be.

There are multiple cases in which you will need these – from simple USB headphones to USB pendrives and other stuff.

You can find them for about $1-$3 – for example – on – with the USB-C USB-A ADAPTER keywords in their search.


Tiny USB WiFi or Bluetooth Dongle

Multiple times I have found myself in a situation where it was very convenient to just add some WiFi or Bluetooth chip over USB port and do the job instead of trying to achieve the same without such chips.

While I usually omit Bluetooth I can not say the same about WiFi … and as FreeBSD lacks a little in that department – using a very tiny chip such as Realtek RTL8188CUS often does the job done.

You can find them for about $1-$3 – for example – on – with the WIFI USB or BLUETOOTH USB keywords in their search.


USB-C <=> Micro USB Adapter

In the past – in the USB Micro times – I remember using an adapter to be able to charge – then new and uncommon – USB-C devices.

Fast forward several years and now the situation is the other way around (as expected). The USB-C is the standard and USB Micro devices are less and less common … but there are still here. To not have to keep separate dedicated USB Micro cables I use a small USB-C to USB Micro adapters.

Such adapter takes USB-C as input power and is able to charge USB Micro devices.

You can find them for about $1-$2 – for example – on – with the USB-C USB MICRO ADAPTER keywords in their search.


USB-C <=> Laptops/Routers/5.5mmx2.5mm Adapters

When it comes to delivering power to my (and not only) laptops – the new standard seems to be the USB-C connector with ‘requirement’ of 45W or more (it depends).

Not that long ago I discovered that even laptops as old as 13 years – ThinkPad X220/T420s/W520 – can be powered the same – but with simple and very cheap adapter cables – such as these below. From the left there is 5.5mm/2.5mm typical router socket – then more modern ThinkPad X270/T470s (and many more) – then oldschool models from 2011 year – ThinkPads such as X220/T420s/W520 models.

All they need is a USB-C power input.

You need to only meet two requirements – the USB charger that will make enough power for example 20V at 3.25A for 65W that would power ThinkPad X220/T420s or 20V at 6.75A for 135W that would power ThinkPad W520. While the official power supply for ThinkPad W520 is 170W – its perfectly fine to use the 135W power adapter from ThinkPad W510 to power ThinkPad W520 laptop.

This makes organizing cables (and chargers) a lot easier – for example – I would not be able to fit 3 ‘dedicated’ ThinkPad chargers in that white cable organizer behind laptops – but I will fir there two powerful 65W and 85W USB-C chargers perfectly fine.

You can find these power adapters for about $1-$3 – for example – on – with the USB-C ADAPTER LAPTOP ROUTER keywords in their search.


Creative BT-W2 USB-A Bluetooth Adapter

When I have to cope with Bluetooth technology – its ‘tolerable’ on Android devices such as phones/tablets and mostly nowhere else. After bad audio (just not working) Bluetooth possibilities on FreeBSD I decided to try the hardware solution instead. The audio related Bluetooth on FreeBSD have failed me too many times – to the point called enough is enough – that also means I do not want to waste any more time trying to figure the way using FreeBSD Bluetooth stack devices anymore – at least for audio related devices.

Not so long ago I got the Sony WH1000XM4 headphones. I am/was a big fan of the Technics RP-F290 cable headphones (Jack or Mini Jack based). They have so much BASS and ‘power’ that I could not ask for more … and their cost is very low – like $24 or less. The only ‘downside’ of the Technics RP-F290 headphones is that they are audio only – they do not have any microphone at all – they are dedicated for music only – and that is OK – they do GREAT in that role.

I have tried some Bluetooth based headphones in the past – and they were SHIT to say the least. Not enough ‘power’ – not enough BASS etc. After reading multiple reviews I decided to give Sony WH1000XM4 headphones a chance … and I was not disappointed. Its the first time after Technics RP-F290 cable headphones that ANY Bluetooth based headphone delivered. I was (and I still am) really satisfied with them.

This is where the USB powered Creative BT-W2 comes handy. Its also relatively cheap as the cost of used unit is less then $20 – at least that is the price I payed for mine in Poland. The Creative BT-W2 allows to connect Bluetooth audio devices everywhere – even on OpenBSD – on the system that cut off Bluetooth stack entirely – and it works well on FreeBSD too. The ‘downside’ of the Sony WH1000XM4 headphones is that they do have microphone – but only in Bluetooth node – they have Mini Jack connector – but for audio only …

This is also only downside of the Creative BT-W2 solution – it transmits only audio – but w/o microphone. Its more then OK for listening music – but if You have to do live conferencing/meetings on FreeBSD as I do – its a dead end.

I have tried to find a solution to this problem – to the point that I wanted to abandon Sony WH1000XM4 headphones entirely and find some Mini Jack (or Jack) based BASS oriented headphones that will also have a working microphone.

On my journey I have found a solution that I did not expected at all – and that was the solution that solved all my problems – and allowed me to enjoy the Sony WH1000XM4 headphones – but more about that in the next ‘subsection’.


External Microphone for SONY Headphones

You already know the downsides of the Sony WH1000XM4 headphones that were giving me headaches. Now its time to address them.

After many hours of searching the Internet I have found a very ‘usable’ Mini Jack cable. A cable that came with microphone and a one that perfectly integrated with Sony WH1000XM4 headphones … and FreeBSD as well.

Its available to buy for $22 on (and possible other locations) and its called Boom Microphone Cable. Thanks to the knowledge that Sony WH1000XM4 headphones have Mini Jack port with microphone part – the Boom Microphone Cable cable even comes with volume controls and even come with physical kill switch for microphone.

After You attach this Boom Microphone Cable to the Sony WH1000XM4 headphones it looks (and works) like a natural solution.

The only ‘downside’ is generally the downside of the Sony WH1000XM4 headphones – that You CAN NOT disable their silencing while you speak – so using them in ‘passive’ mode with Boom Microphone Cable is preferred to meet all needs.

EDIT: After reading comments to this article I learned that this ‘silencing’ is called Speak to Chat and it can be disabled in the SONY Android app or by holding two fingers on the right earcup until the headphones say “Speak to Chat disabled.” Thank You for that.


Headphones Handle

I got used to the fact that I just put my headphones on the desk … but I wanted something more useful – after some searching it was obvious to me that I needed just some headphones handle that I could attach somewhere.

After another several hours of browsing I have found a ‘part’ that would fit perfectly – a $4-5 part from that I could find with the HEADPHONES HOLDER keywords in their search.

Here is how it works on my desk.

… and its 360 degrees adjustable as well.

Above the headphones handle You can see the ‘hero’ of the AMD Based FreeBSD Desktop article.


Dual USB-C and USB-A Pendrive (SanDisk)

With all my ‘bad’ experiences with PTP connections for Android based devices (and other places) I really liked the SanDisk Ultra Dual Drive.

Its really handy for many transfers … and its more fast then slow as well.


Tiny USB-A Hub

When You need to connect several USB-A devices the USB ports count often come short fast – this is where this tiny USB-A hub comes handy.

With its dirt cheap $1-2 price (at with USB HUB keywords) its a ‘steal’ … and it is a 3 port hub – there is another USB-A port at the end of it – the one that is not visible.


Quad USB-C / USB-A / Lightning / Micro USB Adapter with MicroSD Card Slot

… as we are talking various USB-A or USB-C solutions I could not mention this quad port adapter with MicroSD card slot.

I do not even remember how many times I have used it to copy/backup contents of my phone(s) and/or tablet(s).

Nowadays I believe I use the Dual USB-C / USB-A Pendrive more … but not always.

For $8-9 on its not a bad solution to have.

Batteries … I mean SD card – not included πŸ™‚


Angle Power Adapters

I have often found that the angle with which the power cord sticks out of a PC is definitely not ideal – this is where angle power adapters come handy.

Here is how it looks (being used) on my PC.

They are available for about $1-2 on with ANGLE C13 CABLE keywords on the search box.

C13/C14 Power Adapters with Additional C1/C2 or C5/C6 Sockets

After You have spent some time to lay down the C13/C14 power cables just to power your PC its really annoying to do the same for another set of C1/C2 or C5/C6 cables/sockets … but not anymore.

Now with single cable adapter You are able to power more then one computer – depending on the needs with additional connectors.

They are available for $1-2 on with DUAL C13 CABLE keywords on the search box.


HDMI 3in1 Switch with Remote Control

I happen to have a 2010 FullHD 50 Inch TV that has ONLY ONE port of HDMI kind … and it was pretty annoying to say the least … up to the time I added a HDMI switch/hub to it.

The HDMI switch along with its remote below.

For the record – I have used the UGreen 3in1 HDMI Switch with 4K @ 30Hz Capability and Remote and I was able to get one for $16.


Cable Organizers

To not have a mess in the cables its useful to have them organized in some way.

I use multiple solutions for that.

Lets start with simple organizers.

… and a larger/taller one for more capacity/possibilities.

They are available for $3-9 on with CABLE ORGANIZER keywords on the search box.

I also use some IKEA containers …

… and smaller boxes in which I keep the tiny things.

I do not even remember after what product these boxes are … and that does not even matter I think.


Mouse Jigger

While there are many software settings or solutions to prevent screen from locking up – there is one bulletproof solution what just always works – a hardware USB mouse jigger.

I use a very simple one with 3 modes – but its more then enough for me needs.

Feel free to check other offers with USB MOUSE JIGGER at search box.


FM Transmitter

Last but not least – the car FM transmitter.

My daily ‘real’ driver (I mean on the real road outside) is the 2006 Dodge Magnum car. I really love it for the simplicity and calm that it provides during the ride – but on the audio side it only has an old FM/AM radio and a CD slot … and not MP3 support in that one.

This is where the FM transmitter such as mine Blow comes really handy.

It supports two modes. One is being a Bluetooth slave of your phone – it just plays on the car speakers anything you are currently playing on your phone – it also has microphone builtin – so You can also use it as a ‘loud’ phone talking device.

I use it in a more simple mode – I just attach a tiny Lexar S47 32GB pendrive to it – and play a random song of it.

Besides these features it also has additional USB-A port available to attach a cable to it and charge some device.

I was able to get one a new one for about $19.



The mentioned devices above are probably not the only ones that make my life easier – but definitely the most crucial ones.

Feel free to share your ‘helper’ hardware in the comments.



Valuable News – 2024/03/18

The Valuable News weekly series is dedicated to provide summary about news, articles and other interesting stuff mostly but not always related to the UNIX/BSD/Linux systems. Whenever I stumble upon something worth mentioning on the Internet I just put it here.

Today the amount information that we get using various information streams is at massive overload. Thus one needs to focus only on what is important without the need to grep(1) the Internet everyday. Hence the idea of providing such information ‘bulk’ as I already do that grep(1).

Past releases are available at the dedicated NEWS page.


The portclippy(1) Minetest Finesse.

Game of Trees 0.97 Released.;sid=20240311112800

Meet ncdu(1) Disk Usage Analyzer and Tracker for Linux/FreeBSD.

KeePassXC 2.7.7 Adds Support for Importing 1Password and Bitwarden Passwords.

BSD for Linux Users: Introduction. [2015]

Install FreeBSD 14 Inside of Proxmox 8.

Dual WAN Failover – pfSense WAN Failover Setup.

OpenSSH 9.7 Released.;sid=20240312065313

SmartOS – One of Best Live Operating Systems for Virtualization.

Alpha-Omega FreeBSD Security Grant for 2024 – Code and Process Audits.

Ansible – Console.

Why We Run FreeBSD CURRENT at Netflix.

Features Lost Across Versions of macOS (Mac OS X).

Automating FreeBSD Installations on Any Redfish Compatible Server.

Perfect Neovim Ansible Setup.

S3 as Universal Infrastructure Backend.

AMD Makes HIP Ray Tracing Open Source.

The dsnet is Command to Manage Centralized Wireguard VPN.

FreeBSD User Tries NetBSD 10-RC5.

What Firewall Should I Setup for My Dad Fiber to Property – Part 2.

Byte Magazine 1995/12 with Article on FreeBSD by Jordan Hubbard.

Ransomware Protection How to Safeguard Your Data with Advanced Bareos Backup Solutions.

Few of My Favorite Things About OpenBSD PF Tools.

History of BSD – Part II – Unix.

New Development KDE6 Frameworks Ports on OpenBSD.

FreeBSD Jails Part IV.

DesktopConfig is TUI Tool to Install Desktop Environment on FreeBSD.

Sensible Firefox Setup.

Lazy Reading for 2024/03/17.


Unboxing Tenstorrent Grayskull AI Developer Kit.

DisplayPort Port That You Can Plug HDMI Into.

Xi3 X7A Mini PC with Unusual DisplayPort/HDMI Combined Port.

VT100 Terminal 2:3 Scale Reproduction.

MNT Reform Review Brutalist Hardware and Familiar Software.

Ethernet for Hackers – Very Basics.

ADM-3A Dumb Terminal Home Automation Hub.


Boeing Whistleblower Found Dead in US.

Write for Others But Mostly for Yourself.

What It is Like Living without Inner Monologue.


Mastodon Solarized Dark Theme.

Freenginx: Core Nginx Developer Announces Fork of Popular Web Server.

TeX Live 2024 Released – ISO Available for Download.

Pretesting TeX Live 2024.

Quote(s) of the Week

“If majority is always right – let’s eat shit… millions of flies can’t be wrong.”

Waldemar Łysiak – Statek (1994)